Saturday, May 16, 2009

This Just In! Why Mike Dillard's "Magnetic Sponsoring" Is For Zombies!

An Unorthodox Review of Magnetic Sponsoring.

If I say “Attraction Marketing” and you look at me with a dead gaze and the only thing you can utter is “Braaaaains”, you are a networking zombie like everyone else, trying to sell your business and products mindlessly.

But don't worry! It’s not too late for you to make a difference, however it is YOU that must take the action to make the difference - Nobody else. You are solely in control of you own outcome.

Magnetic Sponsoring is just one tool in your arsenal of success. The question is, are you ready to take arm and take action in your own personal war?

I thought this was kind of funny – At the time I am writing this I was attempting to figure out the best way to start. I want to give you the best review of Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring that I can – It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t give this course the justice it deserves.

Though you won’t notice it, I’m actually going to insert a “pause” to give Magnetic Sponsoring a third read through. With the course fresh in my mind I should be able to bring it alive in vivid detail.

With that said come with me on a lucid journey into what could truly change your business forever or for that matter, this could change “You” forever.

Let’s look at Magnetic Sponsoring, Attraction Marketing, and why this stuff is the Gold at the end of your Rainbow if you put these lessons to work!


Wow, even after 2 hours I find it hard to express how valuable this information truly is, it’s been several months since I gave Magnetic Sponsoring a fresh read through and man have I been missing out!

The most important aspect of Your Business is You – Not your product and not your business opportunity.

This is the first and most valuable thing you can learn when starting out. It may take some people years and thousands of dollars to figure out this one simple gold nugget.

I wanted to give you just a brief overview of Magnetic Sponsoring and how important your personal development truly is – That WAS my goal. But now that I have grasped even more enlightenment and empowerment out of another read through, my goal will be to share more than just an overview, I want to share an idea, an epiphany that can change your life forever.

Seriously, if you are struggling online, if you can’t sponsor anyone, if you are spending more than you are making – Magnetic Sponsoring WILL answer everything.

I know we don’t know each other and therefore my promise means nothing to you right now, but for the few of you that grasp what I am sharing with you I promise Magnetic Sponsoring will be that bright light bulb you’ve been looking for.

Let me ask you this –

  • Are you afraid of the phone?

  • Do you get butterflies and a gut wrenching stomach ache when the phone rings?

  • Do you find yourself checking your email at an almost alarmingly compulsive rate?

  • When you are approached by a prospect, online or off, do you go into a trance and begin to “Vomit” your opportunity and product all over them before they can say “Hello”?

  • Do you find yourself signing up for 1,256,972 different business opportunities a week because it’s always the Business that doesn’t work and not you?

I had to ask these questions – I have personally experienced these feelings and tried these tactics.

It’s alarming when I think of how compulsive I got at checking my email every 5 seconds just to avoid doing anything that would truly add value to me.

It’s crazy how in depth Magnetic Sponsoring gets into human psychology; in fact it’s human psychology that is of the greatest importance to understand. If you don’t know what your prospects (Customers) are thinking then you won’t know what they want. If you don’t know what they want – How do you expect to make it big?

If you don’t take the time to add value to the #1 (You) it would be like going to college, skipping the entire semester, and then attempting to get an “A” on all of your finals. What do you think is going to happen?

You’d be that nobody sitting in the back of the class starring a hole through your test expecting the answers to just flow onto your paper just as you might expect prospects to sponsor themselves into your business. Not going to happen!

Mike Dillard is a genius; there is no other way to describe it. Magnetic Sponsoring is so simple at 77 pages in total length but yet will blow your mind up!

Its people like Mike Dillard, Jonathan Budd, Perry Marshal, even myself Jason Croxford that had the defining moment. That moment when you know everything is ok, it doesn’t matter if you sponsor 100 people today that sponsor 100 people, it doesn’t matter if your business collapses, it doesn’t matter if you just made $10,000 an hour ago, and it doesn’t even matter if you just got a letter from the IRS telling you it’s time to be audited!

You must live in the mindset of abundance – Remove emotion from your business. Magnetic Sponsoring really just lays it all out and will help you grasp this concept and why removing emotion will ultimately be your success factor.

I’m not saying you don’t care, I’m not saying become cold and mean to everyone – What I am saying is that you can’t let the highs and the lows dictate the overall success of your business. Regardless, it’s just another day at the office; it’s just another day in the life of “You” and your success.

My friend, Magnetic Sponsoring is not the last book you will ever read, it’s not going to open the gates and send $1,000,000 flowing your way this week. However, if you truly grasp these concepts and put the lessons into motion you will find a world that you could only just dream of until now.

This life is too short to live in restriction and poverty.

You have to do more than just dream of success – You have to take action. In our industry of Internet Marketing and Home Based Business, the only people that make it big and create success stories are the people who take action. Remember, your failures are your greatest successes!

Everything is a learning experience – If you couldn’t feel failure would there be success? Think about it.

It’s ironic to me that I wanted to just write another review of Magnetic Sponsoring but I went beyond that.

My purpose was to bring life and energy for you to grasp and use. What was an idea became manifest into more than I comprehended. Magnetic Sponsoring brings an even greater understanding of this industry than you could imagine. I have gone through this course three times now and each time I feel more empowered than the last.

I know only a few of you will actually get that “AH HA” reaction from this article and read through Magnetic Sponsoring yourself. But it’s you that I want to share this with.

You are the Beta looking to become Alpha, You understand that your personal development is the primary factor in your success, you understand that it’s You and You only that is responsible for ever reaction in your life, and you will succeed in due time.

We all start at the bottom, it’s the building process that makes us a leader and makes us valuable to everyone else.

Magnetic Sponsoring is like the Olympic torch of Internet Marketing, I proudly parade the Internet handing this bright flame to anyone seeking Gold.

I didn’t even talk about the last half of Magnetic Sponsoring which actually talks about marketing and the successful business model – perhaps I will create a Magnetic Sponsoring Review part two?

I almost feel as though I should thank You, the reader, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have anyone to share this empowerment with and I probably would not have read through Magnetic Sponsoring in its entirety so soon. So Thank You and I hope you too can grasp the lessons within Magnetic Sponsoring as I have and as have thousands of others.

It’s in your leadership and personal development that you will thrive in a life of abundance – The only thing that separates you from the Top Producers is the knowledge and skills sets that are waiting for you to absorb. Never stop learning and putting your life lessons into action, don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take others by the hand.

Remember, The only battle going on between you and success is between You and Yourself. Get it?


Empowered Entrepreneur

Jason Croxford
Skype: "JasonCroxford"
Phone: 239-220-3529

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Friday, May 15, 2009

{Mike Dillard Online} Why Top Producers are Top Producers - They Practice Magnetic Sponsoring!

Download the Exclusive MLSP Mike Dillard Interview {Free} by Subscribing in the Upper Left.

**I want to tell you If I could just give you these Priceless EBooks I would, however when you purchase this material like I have you enter an agreement that the copy is for you and you only. All I can do is recommend that you check them out for yourself You will get a 30 day non-conditional money back guarantee**

Though I don't intend MikeDillardOnline as a direct sales page You will be able to purchase all of the following EBooks or Hard Copies at this site - Find the Links on the Left.

  • {Magnetic Sponsoring}
Learn Attraction Marketing and why it is so important

  • {Building on a Budget}
Learn to build an online business with $500 or less

  • {Black Belt Recruiting}
Learn to Sponsor into your MLM Business like a Leader

  • {MLM Traffic Formula}
Learn what works in MLM and how you can do it

  • {PPC Domination}
Learn to use Google Pay Per Click Successfully, even if you're new

What Makes a Top Producer a Top Producer? Mike Dillard did not become an Internet Marketing super-star by doing nothing. He understands and invests in his own personal development. This is what all Top Producers understand and practice They didnt read one book and then become Gurus.

To be like Mike Dillard you to must study, learn, and implement. Emulate the Top Producers and build your own skill sets. It is very important that you never stop adding to yourself, what makes you a leader is that you have skill sets, once you master those skill sets you will have confidence. Its all of the above that attracts people to you.

I will continue to offer as much free material for you as I can but in some cases you may just want to invest in an EBook or two. Top Producers like Mike Dillard still purchase learning materials so they can stay on the edge and continue to be successful You need to do the same.

If you take these actions the only way is up!

Empowered Entrepreneur
Jason Croxford
Phone 239-220-3529
Skype JasonCroxford

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mike Dillard Online - Personal Developement

Hello My Friends,

Welcome to Mike Dillard Online! I have created this blog to showcase all of Mike Dillard’s training materials because I feel they are crucial for anyone starting out and for those seeking more knowledge. The best thing you can do for yourself as an Internet Marketer is to continue your Personal Development by taking action to learn everything about this Industry.

Mike Dillard has created an armada of products for the beginner all the way to the seasoned pro – I have personally used his products and so I know how valuable they really are. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I did not take the necessary actions to learn and understand Attraction Marketing and the Internet Marketing Industry.

Mike Dillard went from serving tables and struggling to make a dime online to a multi millionaire success story. You need to study Top Producers and leaders in the industry to understand how you can use their strategies to be successful and make your own success story. Of course, you won’t get anywhere if you don’t take the time to implement the strategies you learn. I am here to show you the tools you need to be successful; it’s up to you whether or not you use what you have learned!

Now I know you don’t know me and you don’t trust me, to you I am just another person with a Blog telling you how great something is, I understand. All I can say is if you are truly serious about making it online you will listen to what I have to say.

I have used Mike Dillard’s products personally and had success because not only did I grasp his training but I put what I learned into action. I know only 5% of you will actually follow the same steps as me and make it to where I have and that’s ok, that’s why this industry continues to make success stories. If everyone was successful than there would be way to much competition.

The funny thing about Internet Marketing is that it actually filters out those who are not serious, the tire kickers, and the hype seekers. All you need to do to be successful is learn, learn, learn – And Then implement. That’s it. Once you understand how everything works you can put it all into action, market and test, and then do it again. It’s all a learning process but that’s why Top Producer’s like Mike Dillard are Top Producers – They never stop Learning and Testing new strategies!

Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring is where I started when I was beginning my first MLM business. I didn’t understand ANYTHING about the industry. Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring laid everything out for me. I made the investment and downloaded the EBook, it’s about 52 pages and I was able to read through it the first time in about 2 hours. I learned why people buy based on Emotion, “Pain” or “Pleasure”. I also learned how and why being a leader is crucial to your success, Mike explains how you can be a leader even when you’re just starting out! On top of everything you will learn an incredible strategy that so many beginners over look and why so many people fail! Understanding what an “SLO” (Self Liquidating Offer) is, how it works, and how to make your own is the first step to being a success. I won’t get into detail here but stay tuned for future training materials!

I wish I could just give you Magnetic Sponsoring but when you make this purchase you enter an agreement that this book is for you and you only. All you can do is recommend others make the investment and hope for their sake that they understand how important Personal Development is to Success. If you are someone truly serious about making it online you have already read Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring or you are getting ready to make that priceless investment. Take Action and you will be successful.

I continued on after Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring and picked up Building on a Budget. Learn how to build a business with a very tight budget. Let’s face it, most people like you and I start Internet Marketing because we can hardly pay our bills, we are looking for an answer. Mike Dillard’s Building on a budget will teach you different marketing strategies that cost little to nothing – How incredible is that? Mike also explains how to use each method, what works and what doesn’t.

My friends, it takes time and effort to be successful. But it doesn’t take a lot of money or time if you learn and implement the Top Producer Strategies. Learn, Study, Implement!

Visit often as I will update you with further training videos and materials to help you make your way just as I made mine. We all start at the beginning, learn what you need to do now and you will be leaps and bounds ahead of those who don’t dare take action.

There is so much to learn – Get Started! Check out Mike Dillard’s 7 Day Video Boot Camp if you’re not quite ready to invest in Magnetic Sponsoring. You will thank yourself in the future, I promise.

A few other things to check out:

Mike Dillard's:

PPC Domination - For those ready to take on Google's Pay Per Click

Black Belt Recruiting - Learn how to recruit and sponsor people into your MLM / Internet Business.

To your Growth and our Success!

Empower Entrepreneur
Jason Croxford
Phone 239-220-3529
Skype JasonCroxford

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